Sustainability Commitment

TWJOIN is dedicated to contributing to climate and environmental change in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We prioritize green responsibilities by actively promoting green office practices and advocating for green procurement initiatives.


Responding to the Environmental Protection Agency's Green Office Initiative

We are committed to establishing an environmentally sustainable work environment in response to the Environmental Protection Agency's Green Office Initiative. Through energy conservation, waste reduction, and awareness building, we strive to reduce our carbon footprint, promote energy efficiency, and advocate for green transportation methods. We encourage employee participation in environmental actions, promote paper and resource conservation, and create a healthy and pleasant workplace.

Resource Conservation
Source Reduction
Green Procurement
Environmental Beautification
Advocacy and Promotion

How do we save energy resources?

Power saving

  • More than half of the lighting fixtures used in the office area are LED lights or energy-saving products.
  • Office computer equipment is configured with power-saving mode, automatically entering a low-power sleep mode after 5 to 10 minutes of inactivity.
  • All air conditioning units in the office area are set to control temperature and are not set lower than 26°C.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain elevators every year, formulate a usage mechanism, strengthen management or deactivate some elevators to reduce standby power consumption.
  • Install a set time controller or manually adjust the usage time, and turn off the power during non-working hours to reduce waste of electricity.
  • Regularly record electricity consumption to review and improve electricity usage.

Source Reduction

By reducing waste, we not only protect the environment but also create more value and promote resource circulation, thus achieving sustainable development goals.

Reduce Plastic, Reduce Waste

  • In the communal dining environment, single-use containers are not used. Instead, individuals can bring their own containers or choose from options that offer recyclable and washable tableware containers.
  • Personnel are encouraged to refrain from using single-use plastic bags when entering office areas.
  • Reusable items are provided at events or meetings, avoiding single-use items such as disposable tableware, plastic bags, and packaged bottled water.

Sorting and Recycling

  • Waste in office areas is sorted and recycled.
  • Office supplies such as binders, paper bags, paper clips, and binder clips are recycled and sorted for reuse.

Green Procurement

  • The office area gradually increases green product procurement each year.
  • The office prioritizes the selection of green products that meet environmental certification and energy-saving standards.
  • Purchasing cleaning supplies with environmental certification.
  • Replacing air conditioning units with models that meet energy-saving standards.
  • Procuring recycled toilet paper for consumable hygiene products.
  • More than half of the lighting fixtures in the office have been replaced with LED lights.

Environmental Beautification

  • Green plants are placed in the office area and regularly maintained to greenify the office environment.
  • The office area is cleaned daily, and a large-scale cleanup is conducted annually.
  • Enhancing the safety of office supplies and reducing the use of products containing specific chemical components.

Advocacy and Promotion

Guided by ESG principles, we are building a sustainable office ecosystem to promote the synergistic development of economy, society, and environment, working towards the shared goals of long-term value and inclusive prosperity.


Utilizing green living materials in our own community and media resources to promote green living practices among colleagues.


Post green office-related slogans in the office area, such as "Switch off power when not in use" near light switches.


Promote walking exercises for going up and down three floors, "encouraging" colleagues to increase physical activity by reducing elevator usage.


Encourage colleagues to dress in lightweight clothing instead of suits and ties during the summer when working in specific areas.


Encourage colleagues to avoid heavy acceleration and frequent braking while driving, reduce idling, maintain appropriate interior temperatures to avoid setting the temperature too low, and minimize unnecessary loading in vehicles.

Responding to the "Earth Hour Lights Out for an Hour" event

Responding to the Earth Hour initiative launched by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Sydney in 2007, our company participates by turning off the lights for one hour during lunchtime in our internal office spaces every day.

twjoin logoearth hourwwf