All content published on the TWJOIN website by Zheyu Technology (hereinafter referred to as "this website"), except for those that cannot be copyrighted under the Copyright Act (such as laws, orders, speeches drafted by public servants, press releases, etc.—please refer to Article 9 of the Copyright Act), including textual descriptions, photographs, images, recordings, videos, and other information, is protected by the Copyright Act. For content that cannot be copyrighted, anyone may freely use it and is encouraged to do so widely. For content protected by the Copyright Act on this website, except for cases of fair use, one must obtain the consent or authorization of the copyright holder to use the content of other copyright owners. Similarly, to use the content of other copyright owners, one must obtain their consent or authorization. The "fair use" scenarios mentioned above are explained as follows:
  • (1)For works published on this website under the name of our company, i.e., works authored by our company, reproduction, public broadcasting, or public transmission within a reasonable scope is allowed; please indicate the source when using them.
  • (2)Information on this website may be reproduced for personal or non-profit family purposes.
  • (3)For reporting, commenting, teaching, research, or other legitimate purposes, information on this website may be quoted within a reasonable scope; please indicate the source when quoting.
  • (4)For other fair use scenarios, please refer to Articles 44 to 65 of the Copyright Act. Except as provided in Article 80-1 of the Copyright Act, due to technical limitations at the time of the act, if it is not possible to legally use the work without removing or altering the rights management electronic information, or if it is technically necessary to remove or alter it during the conversion of recording or transmission systems, the rights management electronic information indicated on this website shall not be removed or altered without permission.
II. Linking to This Website Statement
  • Any website may link to this website without our company's consent, but the link must clearly indicate our company's name. If the link misleads users, our company will not permit such linking behavior. Linking to this website does not imply that our company endorses the content, products, services, or ideas provided by the linking website. When linking to this website's pages, please open a new window; do not use <frame> or <iframe> tags, and do not modify the content of our website.
III. Statement on Links to Non-Affiliated Websites
  • For the convenience of visitors to this website, our company also provides links to other law-related websites, government agencies, or their recommended websites. However, our company is not responsible for the use of the content on those websites by users. The pages and information linked to non-affiliated websites are provided by the linked websites, and the related rights belong to those websites or the legal rights holders. Our company does not guarantee their accuracy, timeliness, or completeness.

Privacy Policy Declaration

I. Scope of Application
  • This privacy policy applies only to the collection, use, and protection of personal data involved in activities conducted on our company's website and related domains by the public. It does not apply to other public or private institutions or personnel. Each public or private institution website linked through our company's website has its own privacy policy, and our company bears no joint responsibility. When you engage in activities on these websites, the protection of your personal data is governed by the privacy policy of each respective website.
II. Collection and Use of Personal Data
  • uring general browsing and file downloading on our company's website, no personal identification data will be collected. When using various online application services provided by our company's website, the respective handling units may ask you to provide the latest and most accurate personal information, such as your name, ID number, contact phone number, email, and mailing address, as required by the case. If you provide feedback or inquire about related business issues through the message board or email, we will retain the communication records solely for contact purposes.