Corporate Governance

TWJOIN operates with integrity, adheres to regulations and ethical codes of conduct, and ensures the interests of shareholders, aiming for sustainable development. The company holds itself to the "Integrity Operating Guidelines for Listed and Over-the-Counter Companies" and "Code of Ethics," aspiring to publish a "Statement of Integrity Operating and Ethical Guidelines." Additionally, it establishes anonymous reporting channels. If employees or external parties discover any violations of laws or ethical standards by company members, they can file reports, ensuring the legal rights of both whistleblowers and respondents. Reports received are investigated and reported by the Administrative Management Department.


Organizational Structure

The internal organization of the company promotes ESG-related policies through the Sustainable Business Operations Team. Utilizing the GRI2 framework, the team conducts due diligence by gathering data with the assistance of various relevant departments. The collected information is then consolidated by the head of the Sustainable Business Operations Team, ensuring adherence to reporting principles such as accuracy, timeliness, balance, and clarity before disclosure.

Legal Advisory Unit

General Manager

Accounting Advisory Unit

Administrative Management Department
Research and Development Department
Business Planning Department
Business Development Department
Sustainable Development Team

Risk Management Policy

Internally, according to the management organizational structure and internal control cycle, risks are categorized as follows: information security risk, regulatory risk, infectious disease risk, and disaster event management. Each category is managed through specialized divisions according to their respective areas of expertise.

Cybersecurity Risk

Implementing the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System to ensure the smooth operation of internal cybersecurity systems.

  • The cybersecurity team regularly convenes internal management review meetings to discuss issues of internal and external concern.
  • Annual internal cybersecurity audits are conducted regularly and verified by third-party units.

Legal Risk Management

Consultation on regulatory issues with legal advisory units

  • Regular internal review of relevant industry regulations.
  • Collaborating with legal advisors to ensure that business operations comply with regulatory requirements.

Disaster Event Management

  • Assessment of disaster types and their impact ranges.
  • Developing contingency plans for disasters.
  • Establishing partnerships with local institutions.
  • Regular training drills.
  • Establishing a post-disaster recovery plan.

Infectious Disease Risk

Following the policies of the government's epidemic command center, the company internally establishes a "Infectious Disease Response Team" convened by the General Manager, to implement response measures in accordance with government regulations.

  • Implementing entry and exit control measures for office premises in response to epidemic alert levels.
  • The Human Resources department assists in establishing a mechanism for reporting confirmed cases and managing employees.
  • Initiating a flexible work-from-home mechanism.

Information Security Management

Our company's information security objective is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and compliance of core system management operations. We identify and assess the importance of assets and qualitatively or quantitatively evaluate risks to control and confirm the effectiveness of information security management implementation and whether the information security objectives are achieved.

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Customer Privacy Protection

TWJOIN places great importance on the information assets and privacy rights of every user. Therefore, internal employees and suppliers are required to comply with internal confidentiality agreements, and data sensitivity is classified and safeguarded accordingly.

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Supply Chain Management

TWJOIN is committed to fulfilling social responsibilities, promoting environmental sustainability, and upholding fundamental human rights. Therefore, we invite our partners to join us in the green movement by signing a "Supplier Commitment Letter," aiming to collectively strive towards fulfilling social responsibilities, promoting environmental sustainability, and upholding fundamental human rights.
